30 दिवसीय ऑनलाईन योगा वर्ग
दिवसभर Energetic राहण्यासाठी Mind व Body ला Balance करून सुद्रुढ व निरोगी शरीर मिळवा आणि आपले आयुष्य पूर्णपणे आनंदी बनवा …
तेही Naturally, Without any Medicines, Chemical Supplements
This DAILY LIVE YOGA Program will not just help you be energetic, but also become more …
- Slim & Sleek
- Fit
- Stress free
- Active
- Flexible
- Strong
- Focused
- Self-Confident

1 September, 2023
6:00 AM to 7:15 AM
7:30 AM to 8:45 AM
Yoga Trainer - Sangita Patil (10+ Yrs Exp)
30-Day DAILY LIVE Yoga Program साठी उरलेत केवळ … 👇
Limited Seats Available
📢 Be Quick! शेवटचे केवळ काही Seats शिल्लक !!!
Live Yoga Sessions

Every LIVE session will include Yoga philosophy explained in an applicable way to help you take control of your thoughts, emotions & actions. This will be followed by 60 minutes of step-by-step Yogasana Practice. You will also follow guided meditations & pranayama.
Yogic Knowledge

Most people feel lost, alone & stressed in life. The Yogic philosophy deeply understands human psychology and talks about simple yet powerful tools to navigate the ups and downs of life
General Diet

Every day, we will help you make a healthy food addition to your life. This workshop is designed in a way that you absorb the knowledge without getting overwhelmed & can actually implement it in your life.
Recording of Sessions

If you live outside India or miss a session due to an emergency, no worries! The replay links of each session will be provided for 48 hours.

Active & Fit

Become Slim, Sleek & Flexible

Control Thoughts & Emotions

Become More Stable & Confident
30-DAY DAILY LIVE YOGA PROGRAM मधील प्रत्येक दिवस खालील प्रमाणे असेल
Each Day Start With Prayer & Warm-up
Then, We Do 8 to 10 Asanas every day
- Ustrasana
- Suryanamskar
- Pawanmuktasana
- Viprit karni
- Uttanpadasana
- Padmasana
- Matsyasana
- Sharnagat Mudra
- Vrikshasana
- Ardhmastyendra
- Trikonasana
- Dhanurasana
- Udiyan
- Paschimottanasana
- Chakrasana
- Virasana
- Vakrasana
- Shashankasana

Then, we do few Pranayam kriya

- Kapal Bharti
- Dirgh Shwasan
- Anulom Vilom
- Vaman Pranayam
- Chakravartan
- Nadi Shodhan Pranayam
- Agnisar
- Jalad Shwasan
- Surybhedan Pranayam
- Bhasrika Pranayam
आणि इतर Instructions जसे कि Diet, काय करावे आणि काय करू नये

- 2014 - Sangita Patil completed her Diploma in Yoga Teacher Training at Yogvidya Gurukul, Nashik
- 2016 - She completed her B.A. Yogashstra in Kavikulguru Kalidas Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya, Ramtek, Nagpur
- 2019 - She completed M.A. Yogshastra in Kavikulguru Kalidas Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya, Ramtek, Nagpu
- This in-depth course gave her the required skills to make yoga available online so that it reaches millions of people.
- Since while she was learning, she has been actively teaching and training others to practice Yoga to transform lives.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, everyone is welcome at this 30-day Daily Yoga program! In the first week, we will go over each body part-focused asana step-by-step while learning and practicing them. Only in the third week will we begin to work on flows; from the second week on, we will concentrate on breath and alignment. All ages and skill levels are welcome at this program.
Yes, absolutely! According to your capacities and disease you might have, you would be given instructions. Certain asanas or precess will not be given to you. We also call with you on phone, before start of the batch, so you are aware of the things you should be doing and which you should not be.
We will meet everyday on Zoom. You will not need to switch on your camera or mike. We sometimes ask you to keep camera on, so the instructor can examine if you are doing it correctly. Additionally, you can use the chat box to communicate with us.
Yoga is very beneficial for pregnant women. The asanas must be organized, nevertheless, according to the particular period. Pregnant women need a special care and instructions, so we have separate Yoga Course/Workshop for pregnant women. Therefore, it would be best for pregnant women to avoid this 30-Day live yoga program/workshop.
30-Day Daily Live Yoga program not only involves Asanas, but also involve diet. We give clear instructions on which things are not to be done, and are to be done when on periods. We take care of this part completely.
Yes, we encourage you to attend the sessions if you want to stop feeling pain. Modifications will be taught for each position so you can practice to the best of your ability. Your flexibility and pain level will both significantly improve each day. While practicing with us, we suggest you to double up on your mat and have two cushions on hand.
You can join the next 30-day Yoga session batch if you feel that you need further benefits.
Live online yoga classes anywhere in the world!
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